Leave Excess
Inventory to Us
Over 10 years in the business

Excess Inventory Management
San Diego Components offers two solutions to help you manage your excess inventory levels. These services are flexible and configurable to meet your specific needs.
Through our programs, we are able to provide solutions to our clients while achieving the highest return on their investments.
Lot Acquisition and Liquidation
This service offers you the quickest solution to move excess materials off of your books. Once we receive your part listing, we can provide a bid within 2 to 3 business days. Eliminate your inventory carry costs by emailing us your Components list today.

Individual Line Purchases
If you have only a few line items, but in large volumes, San Diego Components offers Individual Line item purchases. This service offers immediate quotes, and the transaction can be completed in one day. Contact us today with your part listing, and we will see if this is the best solution for your excess inventory.
Why sell to us

Email us
Email us your component list now for a customized price quote. Excel format is preferred.
Email: [email protected]